EVENT 4: Flight B Off the Ground

$150 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 1:  Blinds 25/50

button, logo & chips

After a chaotic Sunday that saw two Winter Poker Open trophies awarded, Monday is a day for players to catch their breath.

The  $100,000 Guaranteed prize pool event continues with the second of seven flights.

Players began with 12,000 chips and all levels are 30 minutes long.

Late registration and re-entry are available until the start of level 9 (about 3:30pm).

Event 4 Structure


Flight A: 171 Entries/22 Players Remaining
Flight B: Underway
Flight C: Monday,  6PM
Flight D: Tuesday,  11AM
Flight E: Tuesday,   6PM
Flight F: Wednesday,  11AM
Flight G: Wednesday,  6PM
Day 2: Thursday,  12PM