$350 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 10: Blinds 600/1,200/200 ante
93 players remaining, 44k avg (37 bb)

Cathryn Prance (Tampa, FL) is the only player with more than 100k and says she’s been “very forutunate” that her AA and KK have held up five times. But her biggest hand was when her suited 8-5 knocked out two players in a 100k chip pot.
Several Seminole Hard Rock Tampa regulars have top ten stacks including Vitor Coelho, Wally Maddah and Manny Minaya.
Chip Leaders
CJ Prance 161k
John Pappas 99k
Thomas Wilkes 98k
Vitor Coelho 88k
James Kerr 88k
Jason Weber 87k
Wally Maddah 84k
Manny Minaya 83k
Jerry Carter 82k
Craig Eshelman 76k