Lindo Rivers the Chip Leader

Oscar Lindo bets 6,000 after both Adam Santos and Konstantinos Pantaridis check to him on a flop of Qd5c3c. Pantaridis is the only caller and they both check the 2d turn card.

The river is the Kd and Pantaridis checks a third time. Lindo bets 15,000 and Pantaridis goes into the tank.

“I guess you got lucky on me,” said Pantaridis while playing with his chips.

Pantaridis pushes forward a call and isn’t happy to see Lindo turn over AhKs. Pantaridis mucks his hand and Lindo takes the pot. Pantaridis slips to 185,000 while Lindo grows his stack to 122,000.