Food & Beverage Manager (not?) looking for work

$155 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)

End of Level  4: Blinds 100/200/25 ante

Time for a break!

Eric Ugarph-001Eric Ugarph, formerly of Flagstaff, AZ, just moved here nine days ago.   Instead of being out looking for work, he’s here playing poker.

“I’ve got some interviews lined up” he says.  Eric is a food and beverage manager for restaurants, bars, country clubs, etc. and does plan to get a job rather than go pro.

But while he’s not working, why not try to make a few bucks playing poker?  He’s already up to ~32k after flopping a flush in a four-way pot.  A player with a straight went all-in.  He also had pocket Aces hold up for more chips.

After the break, registration for this flight will be closed.