$400 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$250,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 27: 50,000/75,000 with a 75,000 ante
Players Remaining: 15 of 1,334
Players are back in their seats after the dinner break and return with Julio Delgado still way out front.
Blinds are up to 50,000/75,000 with a 75,000 ante and the average stack is about 2,675,000 (36 bb).
Table 21
Seat 1: Jerry Argento – 1,450,000 (19 bb)
Seat 2: Alan Thomas – 975,000 (13 bb)
Seat 3: Shawn Sorgi – 1,075,000 (14 bb)
Seat 4: Marco Capaccioli – 1,550,000 (21 bb)
Seat 5: Shane Melert – 4,425,000 (59 bb)
Seat 6: Manny Minaya – 2,225,000 (30 bb)
Seat 7: Chris Tryba – 3,700,000 (49 bb)
Seat 8: Joel Deutsch – 3,700,000 (49 bb)
Table 22
Seat 1: Josh Babcock – 1,975,000 (26 bb)
Seat 2: Julio Delgado – 9,350,000 (125 bb)
Seat 3: John Bollette – 3,250,000 (43 bb)
Seat 4: — Empty —
Seat 5: Luke Torres – 2,200,000 (29 bb)
Seat 6: Drew Dodge – 825,000 (11 bb)
Seat 7: Wally Maddah – 1,100,000 (15 bb)
Seat 8: Nathan Lee – 2,025,000 (27 bb)
Remaining payouts:
1st: $74,650 + WPO trophy
2nd: $49,760
3rd: $36,770
4th: $27,460
5th: $20,710
6th: $15,790
7th: $12,160
8th: $9,470
9th-10th: $7,450
11th-12th: $5,930
13th-14th: $4,770
15th: $3,890