$1,100 Main Event No Limit Hold’em
Heading to Level 24: 10,000/20,000/3,000 Ante
Players Remaining: 27/538
The remaining 27 players are in the midst of their one-hour dinner break. Cards go back in the air just after 7 p.m. local time with blinds of 10,000 and 20,000 with a 3,000 ante. Here’s a look at who’s left followed by the remaining payouts and updated results:
Table 39
Seat 1: Steve Trizis
Seat 2: Cody Sullivan
Seat 3: Matthew Rose
Seat 4: Benjamin Van Klink
Seat 5: Plamen Stoyanov
Seat 6: Alvin Cotton-Lovett
Seat 7: Daniel Griggs
Seat 8: Anthony Astarita
Seat 9: Wally Maddah
Table 40
Seat 1: Dwayne Sullivan
Seat 2: Timothy Kegel
Seat 3: George Wolfe
Seat 4: Bob Gallo
Seat 5: Seth Bobet
Seat 6: Mario Lopez
Seat 7: Justin Fawcett
Seat 8: Unknown
Seat 9: Jose Alicea
Table 49
Seat 1: Mark Wiser
Seat 2: Claudemir Osorio
Seat 3: Joel Gossett
Seat 4: Daiane Mendes
Seat 5: Brian Reinert
Seat 6: Jeff Trudeau
Seat 7: Sam Grizzle
Seat 8: Cody Hernandez
Seat 9: Aaron Young
1st – $130,541 + $3,000 Package
2nd – $73,394
3rd – $47,182
4th – $37,483
5th – $29,357
6th – $24,115
7th – $19,135
8th – $14,941
9th – $10,485
10th-12th – $6,815
13th-15th – $5,242
16th-18th – $3,932
19th-27th – $2,883
28th: Nicholas Williams – $2,621
29th: Ricardo Rodriguez – $2,621
30th: John O’Neal – $2,621
31st: Alexander Beece – $2,621
32nd: Michael Stokes – $2,621
33rd: Gregory Marcus – $2,621
34th: Charlemagne Benjamin – $2,621
35th: Bob Heinz – $2,621
36th: Ryan Wyant – $2,621
37th: Tom Nguyen – $2,359
38th: Andrew Leadbetter – $2,359
39th: Alfred Muncey – $2,359
40th: Matthew O’Donnell – $2,359
41st: William McPhillips – $2,359
42nd: Len Nhoung – $2,359
43rd: Ioannis Patsourakis – $2,359
44th: Timothy H. – $2,359
45th: Zoltan Czinkota – $2,359
46th: Amelio Amato – $2,097
47th: Antuan Bunkley – $2,097
48th: Alban Frasheri – $2,097
49th: Anthony Pellegrini – $2,097
50th: Michael Turton – $2,097
51st: Geoffrey Creagh – $2,097
52nd: David Prociak – $2,097
53rd: Albert Cohen – $2,097
54th: Michael Newman – $2,097