$150 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 3: Blinds 75/150
To get your Tweets featured in our Twitter feed on the right side of the blog at SHRTPoker.com, just include #SummerPokerOpen.
Here are some players checking in via Twitter early today:
Starting @SHRTPoker $150 again
— Joey Brown (@I_BLADE_U) June 4, 2014
Back at it playing the $150 100k at Hardrock!! @SHRTampa @HardRockTommy #summeropen #workingonabigscore
— Jeff Metajan (@JMetajanPoker) June 4, 2014
On the way to fire off 1E of the @SHRTPoker 100k#SummerPokerOpen
— craig jenkins (@Cjenks863) June 4, 2014