$1,700 TPC Championship (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Return to Level 24: 25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining: 20 of 625

Thad McNulty was the chip leader early on Day 2 and back in the lead when the 20 remaining players bagged their chips for a Monday return. It’s a tight race at the top with Ray Mancini right behind him and Ryan Brown and Michael Dalbreth also returning to more than two million.
Cards go back in the air at noon on Monday and it will be a long grind to find our champ.
Seat 1: Tom Nguyen – 1,175,000 (24 bb)
Seat 2: Ray Mancini – 2,520,000 (50 bb)
Seat 3: — Empty —
Seat 4: — Empty —
Seat 5: Wagner Wysotchanski – 1,400,000 (28 bb)
Seat 6: Thad McNulty – 2,575,000 (52 bb)
Seat 7: Ryan Brown – 2,290,000 (46 bb)
Seat 8: Billy Papadopoulos – 155,000 (3 bb)
Seat 1: Steve Buckner – 1,095,000 (22 bb)
Seat 2: Peter Vitantonio – 705,000 (14 bb)
Seat 3: Juan Carlos Ramirez – 1,275,000 (26 bb)
Seat 4: Henry Nguyen – 655,000 (13 bb)
Seat 5: Rodney Turvin – 1,650,000 (33 bb)
Seat 6: Alec Magdan – 1,605,000 (32 bb)
Seat 7: — Empty —
Seat 8: Pavel Milanov – 1,555,000 (31 bb)
Seat 1: Michael Laake – 370,000 (7 bb)
Seat 2: Chris McNally – 345,000 (7 bb)
Seat 3: Fred Paradis – 1,120,000 (22 bb)
Seat 4: Carlos Loving – 830,000 (17 bb)
Seat 5: Ryan D’Angelo – 725,000 (15 bb)
Seat 6: — Empty —
Seat 7: Huicun Qiao – 715,000 (14 bb)
Seat 8: Michael Dalberth – 2,120,000 (42 bb)
Remaining payouts:
1st: $171,670 + Guitar trophy
2nd: $114,350
3rd: $84,160
4th: $62,630
5th: $47,130
6th: $35,870
7th: $27,610
8th: $21,500
9th-10th: $16,930
11th-12th: $13,490
13th-14th: $10,940
15th-16th: $9,000
17th-20th: $7,490