Tag Archives: 2021 WPO

T.K. Miles Wins WPO Main Event Title Outright for $213,035

2021 Tampa Winter Poker Open
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Tampa, Florida
$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed
Entries: 772
Prize Pool:  $1,196,600
December 9-12, 2021

T.K. Miles, 2021 WPO Tampa Winter Poker Open Main Event champ

The 2021 Tampa Winter Poker Open Main Event headlined the series and it was a great anchor on the schedule. The $1,700 buy-in tournament was the second-biggest in our history and poker pro T.K. Miles took the title with an outright win for $213,035.

In addition to those honors, Miles also retook the top spot for all-time tournament money in our events. Brian Altman moved into the lead courtesy of his WPT Tampa title this summer but Miles is back out front now with $711,054 in career earnings here alone.

The Main Event featured a $500,000 guarantee that was surpassed during the second of three flights and the prize pool reached $1,196,600. The last 97 players earned some money and the bubble burst early on Day 2.

The day moved along at a quick pace until they reached three tables. At that point, the huge money was getting closer and the stakes were higher so they slowed it down.

Miles was not among the leaders when they reached the final table but he took over late when it was short-handed. He hit two quick doubles to take the lead and he never relinquished it.

The heads-up battle versus Kevin Ragusa lasted less than 15 minutes and Miles earned the outright win. Ragusa earned $142,030 for the runner-up prize while Miles banked the biggest among and the WPO guitar trophy.

Congratulations to T.K. and thanks to all of our players for the fantastic tournament.

Final table results:

1st: T.K. Miles – $213,035 + WPO guitar trophy
2nd: Kevin Ragusa – $142,030
3rd: RJ Sullivan – $104,850
4th: Robert Michener – $78,230
5th: Henry Fischer – $58,995
6th: Cody Hernandez – $44,980
7th: Alex Rusinovas – $34,675
8th: Howard Feingold – $27,025
9th: Maurice Hawkins – $21,305

Main Event: T.K. Miles Defeats Kevin Ragusa For the Title

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante

T.K. Miles

The heads-up match did not take very long and ended with a bit of a cooler. With the board reading Ks3c2hJc, Ragusa bet 2,000,000 and Miles announced all in. Ragusa thought for a minute and called at risk for 4,800,000 total.

Miles: KcJd
Ragusa: Kh8d

“Oh, I’m drawing dead,” Ragusa said when he saw the hands.

He was indeed drawing dead with his pair of kings versus two pair kings and jacks of Miles. The merely ceremonial 4d river was dealt and the WPO Main Event was over.

Ragusa earned $142,030 for his runner-up finish while Miles became the newest Winter Poker Open Main Event champion and he walked away with the $213,035 top prize for the outright win

1st: T.K. Miles – $213,035 + WPO guitar trophy
2nd: Kevin Ragusa – $142,030

Kevin Ragusa

Main Event: Heads-Up Underway

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 772

T.K. Miles (left) versus Kevin Ragusa (right)

Heads-up for the Main Event title got underway with T.K. Miles holding nearly a two-to-one advantage. Levels will now last 30 minutes each until we have a champ.

T.K. Miles – 15,350,000 (61 bb)
Kevin Ragusa – 7,800,000 (31 bb)

1st: $213,035 + WPO guitar trophy
2nd: $142,030

Main Event: RJ Sullivan – 3rd Place ($104,850)

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 772

R.J. Sullivan

T.K. Miles opened to 500,000 from the button and R.J. Sullivan moved all in for 1,875,000. After confirming the count, Miles called.

Miles: JsTd
Sullivan: Kd4s

Sullivan was ahead but had some live cards to avoid. Miles hit one of his cards on the AhJd8h to take the lead with a pair of jacks. That turned into two pair on the Tc turn and Sullivan couldn’t find his gutshot queen on the As river to exit in third place.

T.K. Miles – 15,350,000 (61 bb)
R.J. Sullivan – Eliminated in 3rd Place ($104,850)

Main Event: Kevin Ragusa Doubles Through RJ Sullivan

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 772

RJ Sullivan opened to 550,000 from the button and Kevin Ragusa called in the big blind to the 7c4s2h flop. Ragusa checked, Sullivan continued to 600,000, and Ragusa checked raised all in for 3,025,000. Sullivan thought for a minute and called.

Ragusa: 8d6s
Sullivan: Ad7s

Sullivan was ahead with his pair of sevens and Ragusa was looking at a gutshot draw. The 6h turn gave Ragusa more outs and he hit trip sixes when the river came 6d.

Kevin Ragusa – 7,525,000 (30 bb)
RJ Sullivan – 2,500,000 (10 bb)

Main Event: Robert Michener – 4th Place ($78,230)

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 31:  125,000/250,000 with a 250,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 772

Robert Michener

It folded to RJ Sullivan in the small blind and he moved all in. Robert Michener thought for a moment and called with a similar stack.

Sullivan: 2h2d
Michener: QhTc

Sullivan was ahead with his ducks and Michener could not catch on the Jd7h4dAcJc board. They counted down the stacks and Sullivan’s 2,700,000 barely pipped Michener to send him out in fourth place.

RJ Sullivan – 5,500,000 (22 bb)
Robert Michener – Eliminated in 4th Place ($78,230)

Main Event: T.K. Miles Doubles Twice Into the Lead

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 30:  100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 772

T.K. Miles

Kevin Ragusa opened to 450,00 from under the gun and T.K. Miles called to see the Qc7s2d flop. Miles checked, Ragusa bet 300,000 and Miles moved all in. Ragusa didn’t wait long before he called to put Miles at risk.

Miles: Qs9s
Ragusa: AdAc

Miles flopped top pair of queens but Ragusa was ahead with his over pair. The 3h turn changed nothing but the 9h river gave Miles queens up for the double.

T.K. Miles – 4,900,000 (25 bb)
Kevin Ragusa – 4,200,000 (21 bb)

Soon after, Miles opened to 400,000 and Robert Michener moved all in from the big blind. Miles called at risk for 4,750,000.

Miles: AcAs
Michener: AhQd

This time it was Miles with the aces but his held up on the KdJd5s9d7c board to double him into the lead.

T.K. Miles – 9,800,000 (49 bb)
Robert Michener – 5,400,000 (27 bb)

Main Event: Henry Fischer – 6th Place ($58,995)

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 30:  100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 772

Henry Fischer

Henry Fischer open-shoved for 3,125,000 from the cutoff, Robert Michener called in the small blind and T.K. Miles flashed Ad3d with his big blind fold.

Michener: 9d9c
Fischer: AhJs

Fischer couldn’t be happy knowing one of his outs was already in the muck and he could not find anything on the 6s2d2hTd2c board to keep him in the Main Event.

Robert Michener – 8,200,000 (41 bb)
Henry Fischer – Eliminated in 5th Place ($58,995)

Main Event: Break Time Counts

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 30:  100,000/200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining:  5 of 772

The five remaining players were sent on the final break of the day. If there is no winner at 3 am, the remaining players will bag up and return tomorrow to play it out.

Seat 1: T.K. Miles – 3,375,000 (17 bb)
Seat 4: Kevin Ragusa – 6,650,000 (33 bb)
Seat 5: Henry Fischer – 3,225,000 (16 bb)
Seat 6: RJ Sullivan – 4,700,000 (24 bb)
Seat 7: Robert Michener – 5,200,000 (26 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $213,035 + WPO guitar trophy
2nd: $142,030
3rd: $104,850
4th: $78,230
5th: $58,995

Main Event: Cody Hernandez – 6th Place ($44,980)

$1,700 WPO Main Event (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 29:  100,000/150,000 with a 150,000 ante
Players Remaining:  5 of 772

Cody Hernandez moved all in from the cutoff for 2,100,000 and RJ Sullivan thought for a minute in the big blind. He had a slightly bigger stack and called.

Sullivan: 7h7s
Hernandez: 3s3d

Hernandez was in trouble with the smaller pair and it got much when the As7c4c flop gave Sullivan a set of sevens. The board finished with the 6d turn and 3d river to send Hernandez out in sixth place.

RJ Sullivan – 4,600,000 (31 bb)
Cody Hernandez – Eliminated in 6th Place ($44,980)