Hard Rockin’ Brittany

Hard Rock Calendar Girl 2015

Brittany Guitar

Brittany and her rock first attitude was on full display during the Tampa Winter Poker Open.  She’s just one of the many 2015 Hard Rock Calendar girls who are visiting the Poker Room during the series.

Brittany posed for photos, signed autographs and chatted with the players in between hands. The following link has all the photos taken of Brittany and the rest of the Calendar Girls during the series, posted within 48 hours of their appearance.

Here are more pictures from today, a complete look at the Calendar Girls Schedule and a preview of Wednesday’s Hard Rock girl Cassey:

Brittany & Brian Tundo
Brittany & Brian Tundo
Brittany & Ben Patrick
Brittany & David Creamer
Ben Patrick w Brittany
Brittany & Ben Patrick
Cassey Appearing Wednesday 5 pm - 7pm
Cassey Appearing Wednesday 5 pm – 7pm