Championship: Jamie Smith – 8th Place ($13,540)

$1,700 Pinktober Championship (Re-Entry)
$400,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 22:  15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining:  7 of 358

Jamie Smith

On the very next hand after Alain Medesan was eliminated, there was an open to 75,000 and Sanjib Acharya three-bet to 250,000. Jamie Smith ripped all in for 700,000 from the button to get folds from the blinds. The original raiser folded and Acharya quickly called.

Smith: AsAd
Acharya: KhKd

Back-to-back monster hands but Smith’s lead did not last long when Acharya made a set of kings on the Ks9s5h flop. The table was shocked and Smith was eliminated after the 6c turn and 8s river.

Sanjib Acharya – 1,780,000 (59 bb)
Jamie Smith – Eliminated in 8th Place ($13,540)