Championship: David Meagher Eliminated by James Calderaro

$1,700 Pinktober Championship (Re-Entry)
$400,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 16:  4,000/8,000 with a 8,000 ante
Players Remaining:  48 of 358

James Calderaro enjoying poker and the NY Giants game on the TV

With ~100K in the pot and the board reading Kd5d4c2h, David Meagher was all in and at risk for about 150,000 against James Calderaro in the big blind.

Calderaro: Ad3d
Meagher: KhJh

Meagher flopped a pair of kings while Calderaro had a diamond draw and gutshot wheel draw. It was the straight that got there on the turn and Meagher was drawing dead to the 9c river.

James Calderaro – 521,000 (65 bb)
David Meagher – Eliminated