$560 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 32: Blinds 80k/160k/20k ante
On a flop of Greg Marcus was all-in against Vincent Fiorenza. Greg had for top pair. Vincent had for the flush draw.
The last two fell and changed nothing. Greg doubled up to over 6 million. Vincent dropped to ~600k.
Then Vincent was all-in for 575k holding against Angel Vu’s . The board ran out giving Vincent a flush and the double-up.
And again Vincent was all-in pre-flop against Angel. He had pocket sixes and was ahead of her pocket 3s. The both flopped sets as the board came 6 3 2 9 7. Vincent doubled up again to about 2.4 million. Angel still had over 9 million.
The Angel opened for 400k on the button and Vincent shoved for 2.56 million in the big blind. Angel called. Vincent had pocket 8s and Angel had pocket 7s. The board came Q J 3 4 2 and changed nothing. Vincent doubled up to over 5 million while Angel dropped to about 6.6 million.