Championship Day 1C: Two Outers for Everyone; Tarun Gulanti Stacks Huge

$1,700 WPO Championship (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool: $637,500 | Structure
Level 10:  1,000/2,000 with a 2,000 ante
Day 1C Players Remaining:  80 of 218

Tarun Gulati is a blur of stacking chips

Shortly after the start of Level 10, there was a ruckus at Table 22. Then it erupted again, and a crowd formed, ignoring their table action to see what had happened.

Here’s what it was:

There was a three-way all-in involving Riley Price in early position, Tarun Gulati on the button, and a third player in the cutoff. Each had a pair and the board got more interesting with each street.

Riley: 9s9h
Cutoff: KcKh
Gulati: AsAc

Gulati was in great shape with his aces, but Price took the lead when he made a set of nines on the 9c8d3h flop. His joy was short-lived when the cutoff binked a two-out Ks on the turn for a set of kings (the first table exclamation).

Gulati then went from first to worst to first again when he returned the favor with his very own two-out Ah on the river (the final boom of voices).

A crazy hand that sent Price out and moved Gulati up to 235,500.