Championship Day 1A: MMA Superstar Joins with Others

$1,700 WPO Championship (Re-Entry)
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 5:  300/600 with a 600 ante
Day 1A Entries:  67

Colby Covington

The Day 1A field reached 67 entries at the midpoint of Level 5, the exact pace needed to surpass the $300,000 guarantee. But we want to smash it, and we expect to do just that with a busy weekend in the near future.

MMA superstar Colby Covington joined us after the first break. The former Champ has several big scores with our friends in Hollywood, including a SHRP Pot-Limit Omaha 8 trophy, and he’s here looking for his first Tampa score.

Recent friends joining include Drew Dodge, Rusty Wadsworth, David DiBernardi, Filipp Khavin, Sarah Ortego, and Tarun Gulati.

Drew Dodge
Rusty Wadsworth says hi to his momma