Event 14: 6th Place – Barltley O’Connell

$300 Pot Limit Omaha (High) Re-Entry

Level 24: Blinds 12k/24k

Bartley O'Connell - 6th Place
Bartley O’Connell – 6th Place

On a flop of 9d5h2h Bartley O’Connell and Brian Haas got all their chips in the middle.

Bartley: 9h8c7h5d for top two pair with flush drawBrian: AhKc3h2d for bottom pair with nut flush draw & gutshot

Last two were AcTd and Brian made a better two pair hand to take the pot.  He had Barley covered by only 8k.

Bartley O’Connell busted out in 6th place, earning $1,425.